I have just spent the last 8 days in the country of my ancestors. Here, nature is almighty… doing her thing as she has been doing for millions of years. When we are connected to this the trials of ‘modern life’ are revealed as trivial.
When we enter nature we can be cleansed, made fresh and whole again. It is in connection with nature that we can be stripped of all that is irrelevant. It is too much civilization that has polluted us. Only when we return to a natural order can things be put right again.
Try immersing yourself for a week in the wilderness to see how powerful nature is. And if you can’t manage that then know that even small daily visits have the power to restore you. Try these for a natural reboot…
Sit with your back against a tree for half an hour
Sit in a garden and listen to the sounds of nature
Visit the seaside and breathe deeply.
May you find your own special place with nature.
One Life, One Love.