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Replays available Now


The Grief of our Times - Interview with Isira and Jimena - Medicine Festival

A talk between Isira and Jimena about "The Grief of Our Times".

With much of the world going in and out of lockdown, emotions are frayed. Mental health is stretched. What is beneath the sudden bursts of tears, the lost sleep, or that underlying sense of foreboding?

Join as Isira gives voice to the unspoken grief that permeates our times.

Wisdom In Times of Crisis: Live Online Interactive Journey

Isira participated in this unique event with the highly-regarded SAND (Science and Nonduality). The interactive online journey included talks, interviews, live Q&A, poetry, films, breakout sessions, and networking.

In her interview, Isira discusses the The Deeper Story Behind Crises.

How to Consciously Respond and Adapt to This Time of Change in This World

In this online retreat, hosted by the Open Circle Center, Isira explored with us how to bridge the higher principles and elements of the spiritual path with the raw reality of the challenges being experienced as a human on the planet now.

Isira also shared how we can find relevance in our spiritual ideals and apply them for the greatest benefit and effect.

We Are The Regeneration: Live Interview With Isira

Who do we look to in times of crisis? What if, as the Hopi prophecy suggests, we really are the ones we are waiting for?

Listen to Isira's interview with SAND (Science and NonDuality)

Pure Presence Summit: Finding Trust In Uncertain Times

Isira was a keynote speaker at this event, alongside Marianne Williamson, and 28 others. With compassion and deep insight, Isira will explore why we are feeling anxious; what we are missing; and what’s needed to restore centred calm - and trust in these times.

Fri 18th Feb 2022 – Tue 22nd Feb 2022

The Meeting Place is inspired by the original people of this nation who would come together, sometimes travelling hundreds of kilometres, to meet, share wisdom and connect with the dreaming through corroboree. It is this connection with spirit, community and country, that is guiding the event this year.

We are making a calling to all people of any culture to come and meet, at a time when the world needs sincere connection and a grassroots approach to overcoming the challenges that are facing us all.

We will meet on Darkinjung land just 2 hours from Sydney. 

Read more about the event and book in here

Isira's Workshop Sat 19 Feb 10.30am

Restoring and Embodying True Connection

Creating a much deeper sense of grounded connection in your own Being and Life

CONNECTION is our invitation to not just BE Spiritual, but to LIVE Spiritual. We can expand beyond the self, and the transcendent experience, and integrate our awakening to live fully connected to all life. 

We can create this deep connection by turning to the timeless foundations of all Indigenous and traditional cultures across the world. Isira calls these The Four Pillars.

In the workshop Isira will:

  • Help us to understand the unconscious gaps that keep us in a disconnected state. So that we recognise them, are aware of them and know where to go instead. 
  • Share how to build, strengthen and restore the connection between ourself, nature, life and others with The Four Pillars. 
  • Guide us into an immersive connective experience


When we are disconnected we may feel agitated, anxious, uncertainty, doubt, fear, mistrust, hopelessness, loss of meaning and loss of purpose in our lives.

When we embody true connection we feel:

  • A greater sense of comfort and safety in our own body being – spiritually mentally, physically, and emotionally.
  • Safer with our place in the world.
  • A greater sense of authenticity and alignment with our true expression with our soul.
  • And we discover greater depth of honest connection and sustainable relationships with others. Being able to create sustainable communities and a better world.

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