Thank You Change

THANK YOU change…

For being part of life, for inviting regeneration, for bringing rain, to a parched land.

THANK YOU change…

For being part of life, for inviting regeneration, for bringing rain to a parched land

THANK YOU for the disruptions and the crises…
Impacting the world, reminding us how connected we all are

THANK YOU for the insights you bring…
That show us history’s biggest and most necessary changes arise out of crisis

THANK YOU for breaking open the seed…
For showing us no matter what we face…

Our Greatest Challenge Is Not Change, But Our Resistance To Change

THANK YOU crises for the invitation to evolve…
For urging the bud to open, for being so much more than a process of destruction and loss, but a push for renewal

THANK YOU for your reminder…
That we are change, that we must change.

Although you may be challenging

I THANK YOU for dismantling the old…
So a new reality may be built

THANK YOU change

Like The Dark Night Of The Soul, We Are Lead Back To The Light

THANK YOU For Disrupting Our Order…
For creating cracks in our reality, so that new awareness, new life may be breathed in

THANK YOU for asking us to redress our beliefs, our attachments, our conditions…

To consider new possibilities

THANK YOU for the opportunity to revisit our lives…
To reframe ourselves

This is crisis

For always carrying growth with you

From Destruction the New Is Made. Life Flourishes In Your Wake

THANK YOU crisis…
For giving us immense hope

I am grateful for the invitation to reconnect, to reawaken to the power that exists within me, within each of us”

THANK YOU for the chance to reimagine our future…
To rewrite our stories, to recreate a better world

THANK YOU for including us…
No matter where we are from, no matter our age, our culture

We Are All Part Of This Time. A time Of Great Change, Of Infinite Possibilities

THANK YOU for calling us to regenerate

THANK YOU for the regeneration

THANK YOU change

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Thank You Change


THANK YOU change… For being part of life, for inviting regeneration, for bringing rain, to a parched land. THANK YOU change… For being part of life, for inviting regeneration, for bringing rain to a parched land THANK YOU for the disruptions and the crises… Impacting the world, reminding us how

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