Unity: The Meeting Place (2022)

“Unity is about all of us coming back together, to redream, to reawaken,
to remember, to reconnect to all that is. By bringing ourselves in love and humility, we can  surrender our divisions and build through true connection. Ngaligummera.We are one. I am not number one. We are the many that makes One.
This is Unity.” Isira – Aunty Jinta

Since ancient times, the Meeting Place is where people have come together, to sit, dance, sing and share cultures. Most significantly, when different cultures carrying different songlines come together, they collide, meld, integrate and weave a collective songline. Through this, wisdom is shared and passed down, and dreaming and redreaming can happen in the sacred space. People have been  taught to live harmoniously with Country through sharing and singing together for eons.

At a time when humanity and Mother Earth is disconnected from this deep and sacred connection, and people have not learnt to sing with each other and with Country in this way, we are called to come together again, to sit, reflect, learn from our elders, and heal our connection with Country, with Community, with ourselves and with the Cosmos.

Isira – Aunty Jinta – was a central figure and elder at the Unity The Meeting Place cultural gathering that was held at Camp Wollemi, on Darkinjung Country in February 2022. In bringing together elders from past, present and future from all parts of NSW, a collective healing and redreaming has taken place.  


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