Our call to peace

We all have a deep source of peace within us. It’s this we most want to live by. But in a world full of distractions, fear, conflict and crisis, this inner peace can sometimes seem unattainable. We may even doubt that it truly exists within us.

How then do we reconnect to our own inner source of peace and harness its power –  so that we may bring it more fully into the world? It’s not enough for us to just pray for peace. We need to examine our own relationship with our ‘self’ and with life, to understand the source of peace and how to cultivate it in our lives.

First comes acceptance

Ironically, it first takes our acceptance of tension, pain and conflict before we can find true peace. It’s our resistance to these challenges that keep us bound to conflict. When we can accept and even embrace upheaval and challenges as a natural part of life, we learn how to lean into these moments. We open ourselves to the process, and in doing so, discover new strength, insight and acceptance. We grow. We are able to bring love to each moment no matter what life presents. And from this comes a deeper, more sustainable and reassuring quality of peace and acceptance.

Embracing the ups and downs

Likewise, when we can embrace the transient nature of life’s ups and downs, we begin to recognise a higher theme to existence. That beyond all the flux, life remains vital, alive, renewing and in its deepest essence unchanged, undying and truly at peace. As we align ourselves more deeply with life’s underlying nature, we find that nature exists also within our own being.

Our ability to nurture these perspectives as an individual, has a direct flow-on effect to those around us, and inevitably for the rest of life. We are able to acknowledge our shared humanity: that we are all faced with challenges – both internally and externally – and that we all seek to be free of suffering and live a life of peace and happiness. 

We are connected. We are one

We are able to recognise that at the deepest level we are all truly connected and interdependent and that inevitably, our own well-being has a direct impact on the rest of life. As we are within our self, so the world is around us. Our desire for peace in the world is really our inner voice inviting us home to the peace within our self. That voice is calling us to take up our own conscious resources of loving presence.

Whilst it is natural for us to seek love and comfort from others, if we are not able to establish this within our own self first, we struggle to maintain a peaceful stance.

Taking the time to reflect (or meditate) on a daily basis helps us to keep sight of the bigger picture, and our internal resources. It strengthens our capacity to hold ‘presence’ even during the most challenging times. We are even able to become a beacon of light (and peace) whilst others around are lost in darkness.

We certainly are living in testing times. The crises we face are a reminder that the greatest thing we can do is reconnect to our inner being. In doing so we reawaken our own capacity to consciously respond; and so play our part to usher in the peace the world is crying for.

Peace is already here, within each of us. We just need to give it our presence.

Isira is a wisdom keeper, spiritual leader and author of Australian Indigenous heritage. She brings penetrating insight on consciousness with unconditional love, clarity, and the ability to see into, and behind the challenges we face. She offers a way to respond, realign ourselves and move forward to a new more empowered life. 

For more information on Isira’s teachings and programs visit www.isira.com

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